The XX edition of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism has just ended: a final assessment and our goodbye to the XXI edition, from October 25 to 28, 2018

From Thursday, October 26 to Sunday, October 29, 2017, the 20th Anniversary of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism took place: the Archaeological Park (Exhibition Hall, ArchaeoExperience, ArchaeoMeetings), the National Archaeological Museum (ArchaeoVirtual, Conferences, Workshop with foreign buyers) and the Paleochristian Basilica (Conferences, Award Ceremonies, ArchaeoWorking, Meet the Protagonists) werw the suggestive locations of the Exchange.
BMTA, promoted and supported by Campania Region, the City of Capaccio Paestum, the Archaeological Park of Paestum, designed and organized by Leader srl with the direction of Ugo Picarelli, confirms itself as an unique event: place for the study and debate on cultural heritage and tourism issues; meeting place for professional business, touristic, cultural operators, travellers and amateurs; a successfull format as shown by many prestigious collaborations with international bodies such as UNESCO and UNWTO (the United Nations of Culture and Tourism) and the precious and significative support of MiBACT the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.

The XXI edition of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism will take place from Thursday, October 25 to Sunday, October 28, 2018.


More than 12.000 visitors upheld the success of the XX Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism.

The only world Exhibition Hall on archaeological tourism, of about 2.500 square meters, hosted 120 exhibitors from 14 Italian regions (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Lazio, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Sardegna, Sicilia, Toscana, Umbria)  and 25 foreign countries (from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, Middle East) representing 4 continents.

20 tour operators selected by ENIT, from 8 countries, participated in the Workshop with foreign buyers, and met 200 operators of the tourism offer.

The rich programme, divided into 12 Sections, counted 70 events with 400 speakers.

The media coverage was ample, with the presence of about 100 journalists, press reports on  RaiUno “La Vita in diretta”, Tg2, Tg2 Storie, RaiTre Tgr Mezzogiorno Italia, Tgr regionali, RaiScuola, RaiStoria, RadioRai Gr1 e Gr3, Radio24, Canale 8 and with broad press review from main newspapers and specialized press.

5.000 students, representing 75 High Schools from different Italian regions (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Puglia), escorted by about 350 teachers, participated in the activities planned for them (ArcheoExperience and ArcheoWorking).

The online audience had the opportunity to follow the streaming live broadcasting of 12 events of the programme (for a total amount of 20 hours of transmission), on the website and on the Facebook page of the Exchange, still available in a playlist with more than 8.550 total views on Facebook. The most followed events have been the Conference on “Preservation of cultural heritage, the defence of art and the role of intelligence” (2.797 views) and the “International Archaeological Discovery Award Khaled al-Asaad” (1.517 views).

For the first time, the official website has been translated in Arabic too: up to October 31 almost 40.000 accesses have been recorded, with an increase of more than 30% from last edition and 100.000 visited pages.

During the event the Facebook page of the Exchange reached more than 18.000 likes, and, only in October, almost 20.000 people interacted on the page

The hashtag #BMTA2017 trended on Twitter during the four days of the event, assessing in the first 40 results of the Italian trend topics for the whole day, getting its best result on Friday, October 27, when it reached the 16th position. The Exchange was also featured in many Instagram Stories and pictures on the social network, depicting the beauty of the location and the most important moments of the 20th Anniversary.


Among the protagonists of the 20th Anniversary: Ignazio Abrignani President of the Osservatorio Parlamentare per il Turismo and Vice Presidente Commissione Attività Produttive, Commercio e Turismo of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Mai bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa President of the Authority for Culture and Antiquities of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Walid Asaad Last Director of the Archaeological Area of Palmyra and son of Khaled al-Asaad, Fayrouz Asaad Archaeologist  and daughter of Khaled al-Asaad, Omar Asaad Archaeologist and son of Khaled al-Asaad, Moncef Ben Moussa Director of the Bardo Museum of Tunis, Syusy Blady TV author and host, Mounir Bouchenaki Honorary Special Adviser of UNESCO Director-General, Mario Caligiuri Director of the Master in Intelligence of Università della Calabria, Antimo Cesaro Undersecretary for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Tith Chanta Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Silvia Costa Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament, Stefano De Caro Director General of ICCROM, Eva Degl’Innocenti Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, Carla Di Francesco Secretary General of MiBACT, Dana Firas President of  Petra National Trust, Meaza Gebremedhin State Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Donato Gentile President of ANCI’s Culture Commission and City Counsellor of Biella, Andrea Giannetti President of Federturismo Travel Confindustria, Paolo Giulierini Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Fabio Isman Journalist and writer, Antonio Lampis Direttore Generale Musei MiBACT, Carmelo Malacrino Director of the National Archaeological Museum of  Reggio Calabria, Paolo Matthiae Archaeologist and Director of the archaeological mission in Syria of “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Vittorio Messina President of Assoturismo Confesercenti, Rossella Muroni National President of Legambiente, Massimo Osanna General Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Fabrizio Parrulli Commander of  Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale, Peter Pfälzner Archaeologist and coordinator of the archaeological mission of IANES Institute Ancient Near Eastern Studies of the University of Tubingen, Antonia Pasqua Recchia Adviser of the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for Reform the Ministry, Research and Programming, Taleb Rifai Secretary General of Unwto, Giuseppe Roscioli Deputy Vice President of Federalberghi, Fryad Rwandzi Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq, Mohamad Saleh Last Director for the Tourism of Palmyra, Vincenzo Santoro Responsible of ANCI’s Dipartimento Cultura e Turismo, Francesco Scoppola General Direction for Education and Research MiBACT, Francesco Sirano Director of the Archaeological Park of Ercolano, Gianni Torrenti Coordinator of Commissione Beni e Attività Culturali della Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome e Assessore alla Cultura, Sport e Solidarietà of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Sebastiano Tusa Archaeologist and Sea Superintendent of Regione Siciliana, Vladan Vukosavljevic Minister of Culture and Media of Republic of Serbia, Luma Yas Director of the Museum of Baghdad.


On the opening day, the welcome address to the students by the Director of Bardo Museum in Tunis at the Temple of Neptune

During the initiative “The Exchange meets Schools. The cultural heritage as identity and historical memory of people” at the Archaeological Park near the Temple of Neptune, after the welcome remarks by Francesco Palombo Mayor of Capaccio Paestum, Gabriel Zuchtriegel Director of the Park, Luisa Francese Director of Campania’s Regional School Office, Corrado Matera Assessor for Turism Development and Promotion of Campania Region, 3.000 High Schools students met Mohamad Saleh Last Director for Tourism of Palmyra and Moncef Ben Moussa Director of the Bardo Museum of Tunis.

The Exchange had the desire to give its contributo in terms of knowledge and experience, especially for young people, since Culture is, more and more, an instrument of dialogue between nations, and the preservation of cultural heritage is a crucial necessity for  the international community.

Gli appuntamenti a cura di ANCI Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani, Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome, ENIT Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, MAECI Ministero Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale, MiBACT Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo

  • the meeting of the “Social Workshop of Regions” by ENIT;
  • the “Meeting of the Directors of Regional Museum Centres” by Direzione Generale Musei of MiBACT;
  • the Conference “Cities and archaeological sites: infrastructures, management and promotion” by ANCI Associazione Nazionale dei Comuni Italiani and MiBACT Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo;
  • the Public Session of the Commissione congiunta degli Assessori al Turismo e degli Assessori ai Beni e alle Attività Culturali della Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome, coordinated by Corrado Matera Assessor for Tourism Development and Promotion of Campania Region;
  • the Conference “Aeneas’s Journey. Farnesina and the Archaeological Research in the Mediterranean Area” by the Directorate General for the for the Internationalisation of the Country System of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
  • the Panel “The competences of MiBACT’s DG on Education and Research”.

World Tourism Organisation for ONU’s International Year of Sustainable Tourism

The Panel “Sustainable tourism for the development of world archaeological sites” by UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation): Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of Unwto, wanted to recognize the 20th Anniversary planning a conference on sustainable tourism as instrument for the preservation and promotion of archaeological sites, during the “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development” declared by ONU for 2017.

The coutries present were Cambodia, Ethiopia, Jordan, Italy and Peru, representing prestigious sites (among them, Machu Picchu, Pompeii, Petra, Aksum and Tiya, Angkor Wat), the best expression of the potentialities of archaeological heritage for local development and employment.

At the end of the panel, Taleb Rifai awarded the Founder and Director of the Exchange Ugo Picarelli a special recognition from World Tourism Organisation, with this motivation: “In recognition of the significant contribution to the sustainable development of archaeological and cultural tourism and his outstanding vision and committment

The “Sistema UNESCO della Campania” Project

The Presentation of the “Sistema integrato dei Beni e Siti UNESCO della Campania” Project, for the valorisation of material and immaterial heritage by Direzione Generale per le politiche culturali e il turismo della Regione Campania, moderatated by General Director Rosanna Romano with Patrizia Boldoni Consigliere per i Beni Culturali del Presidente della Regione Campania, Francesco Caruso Advisor for International Relations and Unesco of the President of Regione Campania, Carla Di Francesco General Secretary of MiBACT, Paolo Giulierini Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Massimo Osanna General Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Francesco Sirano Director of the Archaeological Park of Ercolano, Gabriel Zuchtriegel Director of the Archaeological Park of Paestum.

The Exchange for intercultural dialogue

The Conference “The intercultural dialogue as universal value of identities and cultural heritage: #dontforget Bardo Museum 18.03.2015 – #unite4heritage for Palmyra”: the Exchange is, in fact, recognized as best practice for its committment to intercultural dialogue, not only throught the participation of Foreign Countries in the Exhibtion Hall, but also because, since 2015, it has dedicated important moments to this theme.

With the moderation of Mounir Bouchenaki, Honorary Special Adviser of UNESCO Director-General, the speakers have been: Mai bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa President of the Authority for per Culture and Antiquities of the Kingdom of Bahrein, Moncef Ben Moussa Director of the Bardo Museum of Tunis, Silvia Costa Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament,, Taleb Rifai Secretary General of Unwto, Fryad Rwandzi Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq, Mohamad Saleh Last Director for the Tourism of Palmyra, Vladan Vukosavljevic Minister of Culture and Media of Republic of Serbia.

The International Archaeological Discovery Award with the three archaeology sons

The Award Ceremony of the International Archaeological Discovery Award “Khaled al-Asaad” to the most important archaeological discovery of 2016, devoted to the Director of the archaeologist  area and museum of Palmyra, from 1963 to 2003, who paid with his life the defence of cultural heritage, at the presence of his sons Fayrouz, Waleed and Omar, interviewed by Andreas M. Steiner. The Award, promoted by the Exchange and Archeo, at its third edition, is assigned in collaboration with international headlines, traditional media partners of BMTA: Antike Welt (Germany), as. Archäologie der Schweiz (Switzerland), Current Archaeology (United Kingdom), Dossiers d’Archéologie (France).

The winning discovery of 2017 has been a large Bronze Age city in Northern Iraq, in the autonomous region of Kurdistan: the Award has been assigned to Peter Pfälzner, Archaeologist and Coordinator of the archaeological mission of IANES Institute Ancient Near Eastern Studies University of Tubingen.

During the Award Ceremony, poet Enzo Tafuri read his poem “Circuito astrale” dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Exchange.

Regione Campania for a bridge in the Mediterranean area

The Conference “La cooperazione transfrontaliera nel patrimonio culturale: la Regione Campania per un ponte nel Mediterraneo” moderata dal giornalista di Repubblica Antonio Ferrara and introduced by Ambassador Francesco Caruso Advisor for International Relations and Unesco of the President of Regione Campania, with the participation of Paolo Giulierini Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Massimo Osanna General Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Moez Eddine Sinaoui Ambassador of the Republic if  Tunisia in Italy, Francesco Sirano Director of the Archaeological Park of Ercolano, Vladan Vukosavljevic Minister of Culture and Media of Republic of Serbia, Gabriel Zuchtriegel Director of the Archaeological Park of Paestum..

The state of the art of Underwater Archaeology with the experts from European countries

The Conference “Research, preservation of the cultural underwater cultural heritage”, in collaboration with the Sea Superintendence of Regione Siciliana directed by Sebastiano Tusa, has been an assessment of the situation of international underwater archaeology thanks to prestigious specialists (from UNESCO, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey) with the moderation of journalist Cinzia Dal Maso.

The importance of the preservation of cultural heritage

The Conference “The preservation of cultural heritage, the defence of art and the role of intelligence”, moderated by journalist Cinzia Dal Maso, with Mario Caligiuri Director of the Master in Intelligence Università della Calabria, Tsao Cevoli Director of the Master in Archeologia Giudiziaria e Crimini contro il Patrimonio Culturale Centro Studi Criminologici di Viterbo, Stefano De Caro General Director of ICCROM, Paolo Matthiae Archaeologist and Director of the archaeological mission in Syria of “Sapienza” Università di Roma, Rossella Muroni National President of Legambiente, Fabrizio Parrulli Commander of Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale.



120 archaeo – technicians and reenactors from all over Italy, with the scientific coordination of Mauro Cesaretto, beside Via Magna Grecia, near the Roman Forum at the Archaeological Park of Paestum have been the protagonists of ArcheoExperience, Workshops and Reenactors in the biggest event of Experimental Archaeology in Italy.
The archaeo – technicians have relived the ancient techniques of production and manufacturing of tools used by our progenitors, now treasured in the showcases of the archaeological museums, as a testament of the material culture that accompanied the evolution of mankind. The reenactors have staged scenes of everyday life with encampments, training, demonstrations of fights, rituals and field kitchens.


The section dedicated to press conferences and presentation of projects, cultural, publishing and multimedia initiatives has seen the participation of : Agenzia Regionale del Turismo – Lazio Region , AIAC Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica e Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma, ANA Associazione Nazionale Archeologi in collaboration with Confprofessioni, ANGT Associazione Nazionale Guide Turistiche, Archeoclub d’Italia, Assessorato Regionale Beni culturali e Identità siciliana of Regione Siciliana, Associazione Italiana Travel Blogger, Izmir Chamber of Commerce (Turkey), Centro Universitario per i Beni Culturali di Ravello, CIA Confederazione Italiana Archeologi, Comitato Giovani della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO (Campania), Calabria Region, Emilia Romagna Region, FAI Campania, Fondazione Dià Cultura, Fondazione Paestum, Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e ProtostoriaLegambiente Campania, MANN National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Museo Delta Antico del Comune di Comacchio, Archaeological Park of Naxos Taormina, Progetto Interregionale IN.ITINERE.


The Italian Universities Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa – Napoli, Università Telematica Pegaso presented their educational offer of their Degrees and Masters in Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, with the moderation of journalist Maurizio Carucci.

Gabriel Zuchtriegel Director of the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Tiziana D’Angelo Lecturer in Classical Art and Archaeology at the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge talked about their studies and career with the students for the presentation of professional profiles, interviewed by journalist Flavia Marimpietri.


13 startups participated in the section dedicated to new cultural enterprises and innovative projects on archaeological activities, moderated by journalist Maurizio Carucci: ArcheoExperience – i siti di archeologia come leva di turismo esperienziale, Archeogastronomia al museo, ArcheoPlay, ArcheoUp, Cilento Mondo, Compsa in Fabula, Hearth, History Now, LithodomosVR: Virtual reality per siti archeologici, Nuovo Grand Tour – Dopo Goethe, Montaigne e 200 anni di oblio, ritornano i viaggi tra classicità e storia, Nuragica – Vedrai l’età Nuragica come non l’hai mai vista, Sguardi sulla Campania, Ti invito a Sud.


Training and educational workshops by Accademia Magna Graecia di Paestum with the artistic direction of Sarah Falanga.


Exhibition and Workshops on Virtual Archaeology in the section realized in collaboration with CNR’s l’Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali.

The most advanced technologies met the world of archaeology in the halls of National Museum with the theme of “back to the future”, from the history of videogames to the last hits,  through examples and suggestions; the itinerary of the exhibition also featured the history of ArchaeoVirtual from its first edition in 2006.

The Workshop “Archaeology and cultural tourism at play” discussed virtual archaeology as added value of projects developed in entertainment, especially videogames.

Meet the Protagonists

The appointment with the protagonists of culture, journalism and TV:

Fayrouz, Waleed and Omar Asaad, archaeologist and sons of Khaled al-Asaad interviewed by journalist Stefania Battistini;

Moncef Ben Moussa Director of the Bardo Museum in Tunis interviewed by the Editor of Touring Silvestro Serra;

Syusy Blady with the presentation of her recent movie “La signora Matilde. Gossip dal Medioevo” with directors Marco Melluso and Diego Schiavo;

Dana Firas President of Petra National Trust, Jordan and Massimo Osanna General Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii interviewed by Giuseppe Giannotti Vice Editor of Rai Cultura in “Pompei meets Petra”;

Fabio Isman with the presentation of his book “L’Italia dell’arte venduta”;

Mariangela “Galatea” Vaglio interviewed Giorgio Ieranò on “Mostri antichi e moderni: i cattivi del mito da Medusa a Voldemort”;

the Directors of the Archaeological Museum of Southern Italy Eva Degl’Innocenti Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, Paolo Giulierini Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Carmelo Malacrino Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, Francesco Sirano Director of the Archaeological Park of Ercolano, Gabriel Zuchtriegel Director of the Archaeological Park of Paestum) interviewed by Maurizio Carucci.

The 2017 “Paestum Archeologia” and “Antonella Fiammenghi” Awards

The “Paestum Archeologia” Award, assigned to personalities who contributed to the valorisation of cultural heritage, has been assigned to Antonia Pasqua Recchia, Adviser of the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for Reform the Ministry, Research and Programming.

The “Antonella Fiammenghi” Award, at its XI edition, is assigned to the graduate who wrote a dissertation on BMTA or Archaeological Tourism. 14 graduates from 9 different universities (8 Italian and a Spanish one) submitted their work to the Award, established in 2007 in memory of Antonella Fiammenghi Director of the Archaeological Park of Velia, is a tribute to those who disclose Archaeological Tourism and the Mediterranean Exchange through the university commitment; the Award has been assigned to Chiara Vitaloni, graduate of the MA in Quaternary, Prehistory and Archaeology of the Università di Ferrara for the thesis “Nuovi sviluppi dell’archeologia computazionale finalizzati alla programmazione di un’applicazione Android per scopi divulgativi” (“New developments of computational archaeology for the programming of an Android app for educational purposes”)

The Exhibition Hall

The only world Exhibtion Hall on archaeological tourism hosted Institutions, Bodies, Foreign Countries, Regions, Trade Unions, Professional and Cultural Associations, Enterprises and Tourism Groups.

 It is important to mention the prestigious presence of MiBACT (the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism): in its stand of about 400 square meters it has been possible to have a vision of the committment of General Directions and territorial institutes in the domain of archaeological heritage in all its aspects, from preservation, to conservation and renovation, to valorisation and promotion, to susteinable development. Moreover, the General Direction for Tourism wanted to give room to the territories hit by 2016 earthquake (Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, Umbria) with a space of 36 square meters

The Island of Ischia, recently hit by an earthquake this August, was present with all its City Administrations: Barano, Casamicciola Terme, Forio, Ischia, Lacco Ameno, Serrara Fontana

Thanks to a close collaboration with Italian regions, many of them have been present: Basilicata (APT Agenzia Promozione Territoriale), Calabria, Campania, Emilia Romagna (present for the first time with APT Servizi), Friuli Venezia Giulia (PromoTurismoFVG and Fondazione Aquileia), Lazio (Agenzia Regionale per il Turismo), Piemonte (Segretariato Regionale MiBACT), Sicilia, Toscana (Agenzia Regionale Toscana Promozione Turistica).

Among the exhibitors also the Progetto IN.ITINERE was present: an interregional initiative of quality tourism promoted by Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, Toscana and Umbria which aims to valorise and promote common elements of the territories of Central Italy (historic, landscape, productive, social and cultural heritage)

Various Archaeological Parks have also been present: Phlegraean Fields, Ercolano, Naxos Taormina, Valley of the Temples in Agrigento.

Among the foreign countries, Ethiopia, Mongolia, San Marino and South Africa participated for the first time, along with a wide representation of the Balcan area with Albania, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia, along with the Chamber of Commerci of Izmir – Turkey, the Krasen Kras Museum – Slovenia and Burnum and National Park of Krka – Croatia.

Guided tours

The Exchange organised a programme of guided tours for speakers, journalists and visitors:

PAESTUM ITINERARY, visit to the Archaeological Park and National Museum;

THE TEMPLES OD PAESTUM, the Basilica, the most ancient of the three Doric temples of the Park, is the only barrier-free Greek temple of the Mediterranean area;

DISCOVERING THE SECRETS OF THE NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL OF PAESTUM, visit to the warehouses depositi, where more than 400 painted tablets from Lucan tombs of the IV and  start of the III sec. b.C. are stored;

– THE PATH OF THE ARGONAUTS: A WALK FROM THE TEMPLES TO THE SEA, a visit inspired by the ancient legend recounting that the heroes who travelled with Jason in his search for the golden fleece  founded the Temple of Hera at the bank of Sele river.

Workshop with foreign buyers in collaboration with ENIT

The Workshop of BMTA, the only global meeting on archaeological tourism between buyers and sellers, took place  at the Archaeological Museum with foreign buyers selected by ENIT, from 8 European countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom.


The XX edition of the Archaeological Exchange of Archaeological Tourism:

promoted by Campania Region in collaboration with the City of Capaccio Paestum and the Archaeological Park of Paestum;

– with the support of MiBACT Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, UNWTO Organizzazione Mondiale del Turismo, UNESCO, ICCROM Centro Internazionale di Studi per la Conservazione ed il Restauro dei Beni Culturali;

– in collaboration with ENIT Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, ITABC Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali del CNR, Invitalia, Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Salerno e Avellino, Parco Nazionale del Cilento Vallo di Diano e Alburni, Camera di Commercio di Salerno, Università degli Studi di Salerno;

– with the patronage of MAECI Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province Autonome, ANCI Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani, Unioncamere, Icomos Italia, Federturismo Confindustria, Confturismo Confcommercio, Assoturismo Confesercenti, Touring Club Italiano, UNPLI Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia;

– with the participation of SCABEC Società Campana Beni Culturali, Centro Universitario per i Beni Culturali di Ravello, Fondazione Paestum, Fondazione Mida, ANA Associazione Nazionale Archeologi, CIA Confederazione Italiana Archeologi, AIAC Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma, FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano, ANGT Associazione Nazionale Guide Turistiche, Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia, Archeoclub d’Italia.

Official Partner Legni e segni della memoria.

Official Media Partners Archeo.

Media Partners Domenica de Il Sole 24 Ore, Nòva de Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio24, Rai Cultura, Antike Welt, Archeonews, Archäologie der Schweiz, Current Archaeology, Dossiers d’Archéologie, Forma Urbis, Il Giornale dell’Arte, Medioevo, Touring, Turisti per Caso.

Online Media Partners Archeomatica, Archeostorie, Huna Roma, Italia Slow Tour, Mediterraneo Antico, Velisti per Caso.

Official carrier Trenitalia.

The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism is designed and organised by Leader srl with the direction of Ugo Picarelli.