The Award was established in 2005 in the name of “Paestum” and from 2018, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Tomb of the Diver, named after Mario Napoli (archaeologist and scholar of Magna Graecia, Archaeological Superintendent of Sa, Av, Bn in 1964 when the Porta Rosa came to light in Velia, a singular construction complex of the II-III century BC and in 1968, about 1.5 km south of Paestum in the Tempa del Prete necropolis, the Tomba del Diver, the only evidence in the Greek context of non-vascular painting, which he dated to about 480 BC).

It is assigned to personalities and organizations that contribute, with their commitment, to intercultural dialogue, the enhancement of cultural heritage, the promotion of archaeological tourism.


Ravasi.Gianfranco scaled LOGO baseline 2FR CMYK ParCO
Gianfranco Ravasi
Presidente emerito del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura
École française de Rome Parco Archeologico del Colosseo


Parco Archeologico di Pompei


stampaestera1 musei vaticani MArRC
Association of Foreign Press in Italy Vatican Museums Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria
PCAS tci
Pontifical Commissin for  Sacred Archaeology Touring Club Italiano


Dana Firas Lina Mendoni
Dana Firas
President Petra National Trust and ICOMOS Jordan
Lina Mendoni
Minister of Culture and Sports – Greece
Enrico Ducrot Willy Fassio Maurizio Levi
Enrico Ducrot
Founder Viaggi dell’Elefante
Willy Fassio
Founder Il Tucano Viaggi Ricerca
Maurizio Levi
Founder I Viaggi di Maurizio Levi
club Icom Italia icomos2
Archeoclub d’Italia
50th anniversary
ICOM Italia
International Council of Museums
International Council on Monuments and Sites


Council of British Archaeology Giovanni Nistri Tusa
Council for British Archaeology Giovanni Nistri Sebastiano Tusa postumo
Commander General of the Carabinieri
Regional Councilor for Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity
Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia


Irina Bokova PHOEURNG SACKONA Paolo Verri
Irina Bokova Sackona Phoeurng Paolo Verri
Former Director-General UNESCO Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Director General Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019


Antonia Pasqua Recchia
Antonia Pasqua Recchia
Counselor of the Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for the for the implementation of the reform of the Ministry, research and programming


Silvia Costa Stefano De Caro Inrap
Silvia Costa Stefano De Caro INRAP
Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament ICCROM Director-General


folco gai bardo
Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie of Turin Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia Bardo Museum of Tunis
50° anniversario
Francesco Rutelli
PresidenteAssociazione Priorità Cultura


premio paestum archeologia 2014 premio paestum archeologia 2014 premio paestum archeologia 2014
Franck Goddio
Founder of the European Institute of Underwater Archaeology
Rai Cultura Louvre Museum
Department of Greek, Etruscans and Roman Antiquities


premio paestum archeologia 2013 premio paestum archeologia 2013 premio paestum archeologia 2013
Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa                                        Archaeological Institute of America Viviano Domenici
Minister of Culture of the Kingdom of Bahrain Journalist and writer


bandarin carandini tozzi
Francesco Bandarin
Deputy Director-General of UNESCO for Culture                   
Andrea Carandini
Mario Tozzi
Host of “Atlantide” – La7


laregina  mahjub manfred
Adriano La Regina                                       Ahmed Mahjub Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Archaeologist Director Archaeological site of Leptis Magna, Lybia Archaeologist and writer


Beschaouch gambalonga godart
Azedine Beschaouch
Carlo Gambalonga
Director ANSAmed
Louis Godart
Advisor for Conservation of the Artistic Heritage – Presidency of the Italian Republic


greco rifai
Emanuele Greco
Director of the Italian Archaeological School of Athens              
Taleb Rifai
UNWTO Secretary-General


alberto khoudary folco
Prince Albert II of Monaco Jawdat Khoudary Folco Quilici
Founder of the Archaeological Museum in Gaza “Al Mathaf” Director
Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale
40th anniversary


piero Renfrew sole-240re
Piero Angela Colin Renfrew Domenicale de “Il Sole 24 Ore”
Author and TV host Archaeologist 25th anniversary


bouchenakiS paone zahi
Mounir Bouchenaki
ICCROM Director-General
Alessandro Cecchi Paone
Author and TV host
Zahi Hawass
Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of the Antiquities of Egypt


asma roberto-giacobbo matthiae
Asma Al-Assad Roberto Giacobbo Paolo Matthiae
First Lady of the Syrian Arab Republic Host of Voyager Rai Due Archaeologist