Exhibition and Workshop of Virtual Archaeology

ArchaeoVirtual, in collaboration with the Institute of Sciences of Cultural Heritage of CNR, has been the flagship of the Exchange for 18 editions.
The section – including Exhibition and Workshop – showcases the most significant productions in the international panorama of digital technologies at the service of heritage, applications and projects of virtual archaeology, discipline that studies, explains, understands and communicates archaeological heritage and his context through a process of data acquisition, reconstruction, check with techniques of visualization, analysis and simulation.ArchaeoVirtual accompanied visitors along the path of growth and affirmation of various technologies (3D graphics, mobile devices, touch and gestural interaction, etc.) through a narrative approach to the wonders of the past.

The theme of 2024 is “DiversaMente”, which allows an innovative vision of different types of audiences and their experiential universes, for an enjoyment of heritage modeled on everyone’s expectations through the wise use of technologies.

Attention is brought to inclusiveness in all its forms, for a continually growing and evolving public, with the idea of ​​designing the museums of tomorrow according to models that visitors feel increasingly closer to.

In the Workshop “DiversaMente: the diversification of the offer for cultural audiences” we will address issues related to accessibility, but also to the profiling and design of the user experience in increasingly inclusive forms suitable for different types of operating approaches and people skills, thanks to a conscious and targeted use of digital technologies.

ArcheoVirtual ISPC e1650844871496


Archaeological Museum
from Thursday, October 30 to Saturday, November 1
10.00 · 19.00
Sunday, November 2
10.00 · 13.00


Next former Tobacco Factory

Saturday, November 1
17.00 · 19.00

ArcheoVirtual 1 scaled
ArcheoVirtual 4 scaled
ArcheoVirtual Leonardo

Collettivo Digitale

Tangent is the multisensory solution designed to enrich the user experience of all visitors. It allows people with visual or hearing disabilities to have full access to finds, artifacts and architectural reconstructions thanks to a tactile interface and custom-made multimedia content. It can be enjoyed into museums, exhibitions or training itineraries, stimulating inclusion and full accessibility.

Tangent invites users to interact with original three-dimensional objects or 3D printed reproductions. Interaction with the narrative contents occurs via sensors, buttons and sensory paths on the tangible interface, guiding blind users towards the active areas. The multimedia narrations are accompanied by subtitles and sign language to facilitate access for deaf people. Special tactile and Braille legends provide useful information at the user station, such as the types of materials of the objects and the reproduction scale.

Provincia di Potenza, Comune di Potenza, Effenove Srls

Torre Guevara VR Experience is a journey in a “chrono-air balloon”, a hot air balloon capable of flying back in time, which tells us the history and evolution of the early medieval Tower of Potenza, seat of the powerful Aragonese family in the historic center of the city, from 1621 onwards. Produced in Virtual Reality through the use of Meta Quest 3, and created to work with high-performance PC graphics, the project also offers the possibility of learning about the ancient buildings of the place through Augmented Reality.

Comune di Firenze, CNR ISPC

Brancacci POV is a research prototype, based on the Aton open source framework of the CNR ISPC, and was developed for the Municipality of Florence as part of the Brancacci Project, coordinated by CNR ISPC, with the collaboration of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato and thanks to the funding of Friends of Florence and Jay Pritzker Foundation.

The visitor, wearing a visor, will be transported to the heart of Florence, inside the Brancacci Chapel, in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, jewel of the Florentine Renaissance, and will be able to explore it to discover the stories hidden behind the frescoes painted by Masaccio, Masolino and Filippino Lippi.

Digitalcomoedia Srl, CNR ISPC, Parco Archeologico di Paestum e Reggia di Caserta

Arkaevision History is the declination of the Arkaevision* platform dedicated to the representation of historical events and the stories connected to them, paying attention to the digital creation of historical characters, with particular emphasis on realism and their distinctive features, combining a mode of passive use of the contents, typical of documentaries, to a new and more engaging immersion in history.

Arkaevision History: Royal Palace of Caserta is an experiential path made up of four activities linked to some of the major points of interest present in the Gardens of the Royal Palace of Caserta. These experiences are designed to be enjoyed sequentially during a guided tour, helping the public connect with the history of the monument they are visiting.

* Arkaevision is an integrated digital platform with different ways of enjoying Cultural Heritage, an augmented experience that does not replace but supplements classic enjoyment, that uses innovative enabling technologies such as Virtual and Mixed Reality. The development of the platform was completed thanks to dialogue with research bodies such as the CNR ISPC, and major cultural attractors such as the Archaeological Park of Paestum and the Royal Palace of Caserta.

Università di Pisa, Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’, CNR ISPC

In the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, dating back to the 1st century BC, numerous writings of Greek philosophers were inscribed in papyrus rolls, preserved to our days by carbonization thanks to the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. The papyri, stored in the National Library ‘Vittorio Emanuele III’ of Naples, were exhibited for approximately 270 years from their discovery, which occurred between 1752 and 1754, to the decay of time. The EU Greekschools project aims to address this problem by producing open collections of digital images of the papyri obtained with advanced techniques, making them accessible online through a new open-source web platform, with a single flexible and user-friendly interface and advanced search capabilities.

At ArcheoVirtual 2024, the papyri can be explored through the latest generation 360° viewers which reproduce for spectators the specific way in which papyrologists study them, during reading and autopsy transcription. The visitor to ArcheoVirtual will therefore be able to move among the letters written by ancient philosophers and the folds of carbonized papyrus, in a unique experience open to the general public for the first time.

iinformatica Srl

Brainfriend is an innovative system based on Artificial Intelligence to tell contents to users following the language of accessibility. Thanks to the use of generative Artificial Intelligence it is therefore possible to facilitate the use of contents according to one’s age (child/adult) and cultural level.

Brainfriend lends itself to the understanding of journalistic, scientific and especially Digital Heritage content. In fact, each work of art is narrated in an accessible and personalized way. With Brainfriend, starting from the single work it is also possible to discover information regarding the artist, the historical context, the possible date and place of discovery and other curiosities. This module is also integrated into scenarios of use of content in Virtual Reality and in the Realverse: the metaverse of sustainability.

Direzione Regionale Musei Piemonte – Soprintendenza; NoREAL interactive Srl

VIRTE “Virtual Extended Experiences” is a brand new “Extended Reality Web-Based” (Web-XR) content generation platform that allows you to generate immersive experiences in Augmented and Virtual Reality: engaging experiences, full of multimedia content of all kinds and with the highest degree of interactivity possible via the web today. It’s easy, therefore effective. It is powerful and inclusive. VIRTE is not an App, so you don’t need to install anything. You frame a QR-Code, point your smartphone and start to explore the surrounding reality, via the browser used for the web: 3D reconstructions, interactive objects, texts, music, animated graphics, traditional and 360° videos, avatar-guides, maps, gallery of images and links to in-depth content. You can insert all kinds of multimedia assets to offer a cultural experience designed in breadth and depth, according to the target users you want, with standard and inclusive layouts. You can also connect VIRTE to Google Analytics to monitor user usage in an extremely in-depth way.

VIRTE has already been exploited to generate experiences for the archaeological sites of Augusta Bagiennorum and Industria (CN), Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi (TO), S.Imbenia (SS).


From History to Virtual Reality: Reconstructing the Auto de Fe of Mani (1562)
Universidad Anahuac Merida, Missouri State University, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, CNR ISPC, Præteritas Urbes, LLC – Museo Regional de Palacio Cantón – INAH

A dramatically significant event in the colonial history of the Maya region: the Auto de Fe of Maní, on July 12, 1562. This video shows the results of the reconstruction of the landscape, including the architectural complex of the former convent of St. Michael the Archangel in Maní, with historical characters and settings.

Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma; Dipartimento di Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica, Università degli Studi di Bari ‘A. Moro’; Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà, Università di Bologna; Dipartimento di Lettere e Beni Culturali, Università della Campania ‘L. Vanvitelli’; Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Foggia; Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’; Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell’arte, del cinema e della musica, Università degli Studi di Padova; Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, della Comunicazione e del Turismo, Università degli Studi della Tuscia; Dipartimento di Culture e Civiltà, Università di Verona; Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, CNR ISPC

The e-Archeo project offers a way of reading and digitally valorising 8 archaeological sites distributed throughout the national territory, the result of the presence of different populations and cultures, Etruscan, Greek, Phoenician-Punic, indigenous and Roman: A demo-video is proposed which explains the project and shows a preview of its outputs.

Foro Emiliano Project
(Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Frosinone, Latina e Rieti, CNR ISPC)

The Foro Emiliano Project is aimed at the virtual reconstruction of the Roman archaeological area in the heart of Terracina. The video, in addition to the vision of the theater and the surrounding areas in the classical era, offers an overview of the entire Lazio town and the relevant technologies used.

Il Mito di Diana e Atteone – The Myth of Diana and Actaeon
Digital Comoedia, CNR ISPC, Parco Archeologico di Paestum e Reggia di Caserta.

The legend comes to life in a Digital Fiction that traces the story of the goddess Diana and the young Actaeon and the “making of” of the multimedia project.

Visit Palmanova, the extended city
Metaheritage Srl, UNESCO, Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, I Borghi più Belli d’Italia, Comune di Palmanova (UD).

The video summarizes the multi-channel system created within the Palmanova visitor center, which allows you to visit the city from a single place and dialogue with virtual narrators to delve deeper into some issues related to the creation of the city of Palmanova. The itinerary ends with a journey through time with virtual reality, an immersive mode that allows you to visit the bastions and fortifications through 360° and stereoscopic videos in extended reality, which recreate civil military life in the 1600s. The videos can be accessed via QR code inserted in the city webapp.


The 2023 edition of ArchaeoVirtual with the theme “new intelligences” was dedicated to the innovative opportunities for cultural heritage, made possible by the constantly evolving technological scenario.
Artificial intelligence, of course with its multiple forms of application that are contaminating the various souls of the archaeological discipline; but also new analysis models that can be based on new data, thanks to the massive study of information entrusted to machines and to new fruition proposals intended for a constantly evolving public, with the idea of ​​designing the museums of tomorrow.
Together with the Exhibition, the organization of the Workshop explores the annual theme which, in this edition, addresses the “New intelligences” linked to the most recent innovations in the field of research: from remote sensing to fruition applications, to audience analyses.

The 2022 edition with the theme “Towards the Metaverse” wanted to introduce the public to the perspectives that are outlined in the field of new virtual worlds. The announced advent of the Metaverse, while not representing an absolute novelty, suggests significant transformations in the methods of communication, entertainment, commerce, which will affect all areas of social life. What role will culture and archaeological heritage play in this context? To date, the characteristics of the phenomenon are not yet well defined, but ideally any survey or reconstructive modeling can become, in the near future, an immersive environment in which to move, meet other users, learn information and weave relationships. The Exhibition hosted the most interesting and original immersive applications focused on material and non-material heritage, for the creation of digital contexts with a high cultural content. The theme of the Workshop, focused on the Metaverse, addressed the transformations taking place, linked to the advent of this virtual world and the blockchain, which will drastically change the emotional and economic perspectives of the use of cultural heritage


For 2021, ArchaeoVirtual was presented by CNR ISPC, Digital Heritage Innovation Laboratory, based in Rome, and it was under the banner of “New Interactions”, intended both from a technical and a social and narrative point of view. Almost all the applications of this edition do not require physical contact with surfaces, demonstrating the variety of touchless interaction tools, potentially available today for Museums, thanks to new technologies and strategies for collective fruition. At the same time, we wanted to enhance new interactive methods in terms of forms of use of heritage and the relationship with the communities, presenting some of the most significant ongoing projects on the theme of Heritage Science.


For 2019, ArchaeoVirtual was presented by the Virtual Reality Laboratory of the CNR ISPC (www.ispc.cnr.it) the new great Institute of the National Research Council dedicated to the Sciences of Cultural Heritage and by the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism.
ArchaeoVirtual’s usual gaze at the evolution of digital applications for Cultural Heritage has turned to the renewed interest in the forms of narration (traditional and multimedia) of the past. Alongside the growing examples of narrative and non-interactive videos (historical fiction), even the most innovative applications such as immersive virtual reality are looking for new narrative metaphors.
ArchaeoVirtual presented itself in 2019 in the audiovisual format only, with a video area that saw the alternation of audio-visual products of great emotional impact and high graphic rendering.


For 2018, ArchaeoVirtual was presented by the ITABC of the CNR, Laboratory of Virtual Reality, by the General Management of the Museums of Mibac (DG Musei) and by the Exchange, who worked together for the conception of the Exhibition, the selection of projects and the organization of the thematic workshop that has been supporting this important temporary exhibition for years.


On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary, in 2017, the ArchaeoVirtual Jukebox was an interactive cinema theatre that allowed visitors to choose and “listen” to the 54 best memories of the last decade: from the virtual museum of Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel to that of the Valley del Tevere, the journey crosses the 132 projects presented at the exhibition between 2006 and 2017.