The 23rd Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, in Paestum at the new location of Cafasso Tobacco Factory, has just ended.
See you at the 24th edition from October 27th to 30th, 2022
The 23rd edition of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism took place from Thursday, November 25th to Sunday, November 28th, 2021 in Paestum at Cafasso Tobacco Factory (Exhibition Hall, Conferences, ENIT Workshop, ArchaeoExperience, ArchaeoVirtual), the Basilica (ArchaeoWorking and Conferences), the Archaeological Park (Guided Tours)
The Exchange, promoted and supported by Campania Region, Municipality of Capaccio Paestum, Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, created and organized by Leader srl with the direction of Ugo Picarelli, confirmed itself as an event unique of its kind: forum for research and divulgation of the themes of the the promotion of cultural tourism and the valorization of cultural heritage, meeting place for professional business, tourist and cultural operators, travellers and enthusiasts. A successful format as testified by the prestigious collaborations of international bodies like UNESCO and UNWTO, and by the precious and valuable support of MiC Ministry of Culture and of the Ministry of Tourism with Enit National Agency of Tourism.
La XXIV edizione della Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism will take place from Thursday, October 27th to Sunday, October 3oth 2022 at the location of Cafasso Tobacco Factory.
7000 visitors, 550 speakers in 100 conferences taking place in 5 halls working together, including 37 Meetings coordinated by Service VI of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, 150 exhibitors (from 18 Regions, the Ministry of Culture with 500 sq mt and the prestigious autonomous Parks and Museums) from 15 Countries, 31 European and national buyers met 140 professional operators, ArchaeoVirtual International Exhibition of Virtual Archaeology with 10 productions, ArchaeoExperience Laboratories of Experimental Archaeology and ArchaeoStartup with 14 youth enterprises of cultural tourism.
There was a great media resonance:
– 120 accredited journalists, among which 5 of the foreign press (with the presence of Maria del Carmen del Vando Blanco Responsible of Culture Group of Foreign Press in Italy);
– an ample press review, with 250 articles from July to December only on printed press:
• main newspapers: Corriere Adriatico, Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Corriere della Sera, Corriere Romagna, Domenica de Il Sole 24 Ore, Gazzetta del Sud, Il Friuli, Il Giornale di Calabria, Il Manifesto, Il Mattino, Il Mattino di Puglia e Basilicata, Il Messaggero, Il Piccolo, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Secolo XIX, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Tirreno, L’Unione Sarda, La Nazione, La Nuova Sardegna, La Repubblica, La Sicilia, La Stampa, La Vallée, La Voce del Trentino, Messaggero Veneto, Nò de Il Sole 24 Ore, Quotidiano del Sud, Quotidiano di Sicilia;
• specialized press: Archeo, Grand Tour de, GuidaViaggi, Il Giornale dell’Arte, L’Agenzia di Viaggi, La Freccia, Touring, Travelnostop, TravelQuotidiano, Turisti per Caso;
• foreign press: Antike Welt, Archéologia, DailyMuslim, PressTV, The Italian Insider;
– many launches by the main agencies: Adnkronos, Agi, Ansa, Askanews;
– reportages, insights, interviews on: Rai Tre “Buongiorno Regione” ed. Campania e Valle d’Aosta, “Tgr Campania” e “Tgr Molise”, Rai Cultura, RadioRai “I Viaggi di RadioUno”.
1.200 students representing 15 High Schools, accompanied by 100 teachers, participated in the activities organized for them at the Basilica and the Archaeological Park e il Parco Archeologico (ArchaeoWorking and Guided Tours) and Cafasso Tobacco Factory (ArchaeoExperience, ArchaeoVirtual, the Exhibition Hall).
The receptions service was performed by the students of Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Ipsar “Piranesi” of Capaccio Paestum.
To be underlined the presence:
– of the Under Secretaries of State to Defence Giorgio Mulè and for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion e Dalila Nesci; of Congressman Piero De Luca; of the Mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella; of the Presidents of the Commissions of Campania Region “Internal Areas” Michele Cammarano and “Productive Activities and Tourism” Giovanni Mensorio;
– of Regional Assessors:
Felice Casucci Assessor for Administrative Simplification and Tourism of Campania Region;
Valentina Corrado Assessor for Tourism, Local Bodies, Urban Security, Local Police e Administrative Simplification of Lazio Region;
Vincenzo Cotugno Vice President and Assessor for Tourism and Culture of Molise Region;
Jean-Pierre Guichardaz Assessor Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Sport and Commerce of Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region;
Fausto Orsomarso Assessor for Tourism Calabria Region;
Alberto Samonà Assessor of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian identity of Sicilian Region;
-of Directors of Regions/Apt:
Aldo Patruno Director Department Tourism, Economy fo Culture and Valorization of the Territory of Puglia Region;
Rosanna Romano General Director for Cultural Policies and Tourism of Campania Region;
Pierangelo Romersi Director Visit Emilia;
Francesco Tapinassi Director Toscana Promozione Turistica.
The Campania Region, in addition a space of about 200 sq mt among General Direction for Cultural Policies and Tourism and Scabec, organized 4 meetings:
– Cultural heritage between resources and needs: new challenges for the valorization and the territorial network;
– Cultural heritage: from enhancement to digital;
– History of knowledge and taste in Campania: the culture of timeless food;
– They will be famous: among the less known sites of Campania’s archaeological heritage;
Moreover, the Campania Region, Lead partner of the project of European Territorial Cooperation MD.Net – When Brand meets People, financed by Interreg Med Programme (European Regional Develoment 2014-2020), con la Direzione Generale Autorità di Gestione FSE e Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione e attraverso la Scabec, Ente attuatore del progetto, participated with the internation partnership in the Exhibition Hall, hosting the Workshop of co-planning / hackathon with enterprises and stakeholders from the 13 partner countries, and with the Conference “Mediterranean Diet, between lifestyle and health in the post Covid era”. The 13 European partners: University of Algarve (Portugal), Regional Development Agency of Dalmatia (Croatia), Region of Crete (Greece), University of Mostar (Bosnia-Erzegovina), Med Diet Foundation (Spain), Chamber of Commerce of Seville (Spain), Emilia Romagna Region (Italy), National Innovation and Technology Institute (Slovenia), Municipality of Caltanissetta (Italy), Association of Albanian Municipalities (Albania), Region of Cataluna (Spain), Troodos Development Company (Cyprus).
There was the significant presence of:
– AIGU Associazione Italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO, that gathered regional delegates and members in Paestum to issue a Masterplan for local development for the territory;
– ICOM Italy, that organized the Assembly of the members and the national Congress;
– ICOMOS Italy, that called the Conference of the National Scientific Committee.
There was a numerous delegation from the Heritage Commission Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Jasir Alherbish CEO of Heritage Commission
Abdullah Alzahrani Archaeology Director
Sultana Bin Sultan Strategic Partnership and Investment Director
Norah Alkhamis World Heritage Director
Asma Aldakhil Events and Promotion Director
Ranwa Alfaiz ICR Manager
Reem Alfakeer Intangible Heritage Specialist
Abdulmajed Alnowaibt International Relations Specialist
Abdulmajeed Aljaradah Photographer
Starting from July, when the new dates of the 23rd edition were announced, there were more than 50.000 accesses to the website e more than 800.000 pages were visited, mostly the ones about the programme, the exhibitors, the location.
51 live streaming, for a total of more than 50 hours of broadcast, available both on Youtube and on Facebook (with more than 15.000 visualizations of the videos and 150.000 total interactions only in the days of the event).
During the month of November there was an increase of the numbers of social media as compared to the month of October:Facebook, coverage +1.667,1%, visits +1.360,7%, new “Like” 389,2%;
Twitter, +3.449 views of the tweets e +2.444 visite al profilo;
Instagram, coverage +148,8%, visits +1.563,5%, new “followers” 645%.
Regarding Instagram, there was the important collaboration with IgersItalia that, in addiction to hold the Assembly of regional delegates, contributed to talk about the Exchange with the organization of two Instameets: the contents were shared by various profiles of Igers network, including Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Marche, Puglia and single provincial capitals.
• OPENING CONFERENCE coordinated by Ugo Picarelli Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, with Felice Casucci Assessor for Administrative Simplification and Tourism of Campania Region Franco Alfieri Mayor of Capaccio Paestum, Alfonso Andria Member of the Board Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, Tommaso Pellegrino President National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, Mounir Bouchenaki Honorary President of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, Carlo Corazza Head Office of the European Parliament in Italy, Giampaolo D’Andrea Advisor to the Minister of Culture;
• CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CULTURAL TOURISM AFTER THE PANDEMIC moderated by Federico Monga Editor in Chief Il Mattino, with opening addresses by Alfonso Andria Member of the Board Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia and Giampaolo D’Andrea Advisor to the Minister of Culture, the works were opened by Maura Picciau Director Service II “National Museum System” Museums General Direction of the Ministry of Culture e Rosanna Romano General Director for Cultural Policies and Tourism of Campania Region, with: Gabriel Zuchtriegel General Director Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Andrea Bruciati Director Istituto Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este, Alessandro D’Alessio Director Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica, Eva Degl’Innocenti Director National Archaeological Museum of Taranto, Filippo Demma Director Archaeological Park of Sibari and ad interim Regional Director Museums of Calabria, Paolo Giulierini Director National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Carmelo Malacrino Director National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, Annamaria Mauro Director National Museum of Matera and ad interim Regional Director Museums of Basilicata, Luca Mercuri Regional Director Museums of Apulia Francesco Muscolino Director National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari and ad interim Regional Director Museums of Sardinia, Fabio Pagano Director Archaeological Park of Phlegraean Fields, Simone Quilici Director Archaeological Park of Appia Antica, Stéphane Verger Director National Roman Museum. Moreover, presentation of the reseaech “Archaeological Tourism and Young People – insight and policy for a New Normal” Maria Teresa Cuomo Associated Professor Policies and management of cultural heritage at Department of Economic and Statistical Sciences University of Salerno; presentation of the study of Associazione Civita “Next generation culture: digital technologies and immersive languages for new audiences of culture” Simonetta Giordani Segretary General of the Association; with a speech on “Competences and professions. Museums after the pandemic” Alessandra Vittorini Director Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali.
• ARCHAEOINCOMING: FROM OUTGOING TO INCOMING OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOURISM FOR A PROXIMITY DEMAND moderated by journalist Maurizio Carucci, with speeches by Ignazio Abrignani President Parliamentary Observatory for Tourism, Alberto Corti Supervisor Tourism Sector Confcommercio, Vittorio Messina President Assoturismo Confesercenti, Sandro Pappalardo Member of the Board ENIT, the participation of Rosanna Romano General Director for Cultural Policies and Tourism of Campania Region and Gabriele Milani General Director FTO Federazione del Turismo Organizzato. Enrico Ducrot Viaggi dell’Elefante, Willy Fassio Il Tucano Viaggi Ricerca, Maurizio Levi I Viaggi di Maurizio Levi were present and received the “Paestum Mario Napoli” Award, while the lifetime achievement award went to Piergianni Addis
• THE PARKS FOR THE VALORIZATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE AND FOR A MORE EXPERIENTIAL AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM in collaboration with Automobile Club d’Italia, Federparchi, Confagricoltura, Legambiente, Touring Club Italiano, Trenitalia. After the opening remarks by Ugo Picarelli Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, Alfonso Andria Member of the Board Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, with the moderation of Silvestro Serra Editor in Chief Touring, with speeches by Tommaso Pellegrino President National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, Sabrina De Filippis Director Business Regional Trenitalia, Stefano Ciafani President Legambiente, Rosario Rago Member Executive Council Confagricoltura, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio President Fondazione UniVerde, Donatella Bianchi President Cinque Terre Nazional Park, Giovanni Cannata President National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio, Molise, Agostino Casillo President National Park Nazionale of Mount Vesuvius, Mario Tozzi President Regional Park Regionale of Ancient Appian Way, Renzo Iorio Deputy Vice President Federturismo, Gabriele Milani General Director FTO Federazione del Turismo Organizzato, Dario Gargiulo General Director ACI Europe, Giorgio Palmucci President ENIT Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo.
• AUTONOMOUS NATIONAL PARKS AND MUSEUMS AND FOUNDATIONS: COMPARING MODELS OF MANAGEMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE with opening addresses by Alfonso Andria Member of the Board Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, Alessandro Garrisi President ANA Associazione Nazionale Archeologi and Salvo Barrano Coordinator table cultural heritage culturale Confprofessio and Member of the Board Fondazione Aquileia, moderated by Umberto Croppi General Director Federculture, with Alberto Samonà Assessor of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian identity of Sicilian Region, Francesca Bazoli President Fondazione Brescia Musei, Carlo Casi Scientific Director Fondazione Vulci, Antony Muroni President Fondazione Mont’e Prama, with closing remarks by Maura Picciau Director Service II “National Museum System” Museums General Direction of the Ministry of Culture.
• 1st MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON UNDERWATER ARCHAEOLOGICAL TOURISM with addresses by Ugo Picarelli Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, Gianfranco Gazzetti National Director Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia, moderated by Luigi Fozzati Scientific Coordinator of the Conference; preview of the research “Culture and Archaeology for a sustainable quality tourism. The case of underwater archaeological tourism and its implications” by S.R.M. Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno with Massimo Deandreis General Director S.R.M. Centro Studi connected to Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo; with speeches by Alfonso Andria President European University Centre for Cultural Heritage – Ravello, Mounir Bouchenaki Honorary President of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, Maurizio Di Stefano President ICOMOS Italy, Barbara Davidde National Superintendent for Underwater Cultural Heritage, Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention Council of Europe, Louis Godart Accademico dei Lincei, Member of the Scientific Council of “Maison de l’histoire européenne” European Parliament, Ulrike Guérin Programme Specialist 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage UNESCO, Culture Sector, Fabio Bruno Associated Professor Department of Mechanical, Energetic and Industrial Engineering University of Calabria “BlueMed Project for the valorization and fruction of underwater heritage”, Fabio Pagano Director Archaeological Park of Phlegraean Fields, Paolo Giulierini Director National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Vincenzo Maione Director Centro Sub Campi Flegrei, Maurizio Simeone Director AMP Parco Sommerso di Gaiola, Gianpaolo Colucci President Associazione L’Anfora, Valeria Patrizia Li Vigni Sea Superintendent of Sicilian Region, Alberto Samonà Assessor of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian identity of Sicilian Region, Aikaterini Dellaporta and Dimitris Kourkoumelis respectively Director and Vice Director Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities with closing remarks by Dalila Nesci Under Secretary of State for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion.
• CONFERENCE OF THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES OF ICOMOS ITALY with President Maurizio Di Stefano and Deputy Vice Presidente Cettina Lenza, with speeches by Alfonso Andria President European University Centre for Cultural Heritage – Ravello, Francesco Caruso ICOMOS Academy, Dana Firas President Petra National Trust and ICOMOS Jordan, Mounir Bouchenaki Honorary President of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, Mariassunta Peci UNESCO Office of the Ministry of Culture; for National Scientific Committees Paolo Salonia, Francesco Calabrò, Pasquale De Toro.
• FORUM ON TOURISM OF SOUTHERN ITALY: GROWTH, DIFFERENTIATION, ACCESS TO CREDIT TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISES with opening remarks by Franco Alfieri Mayor of Capaccio Paestum and Ugo Picarelli Founder and Director of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, moderated by Vincenzo Chierchia Journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore, with speeches by Giancarlo Carriero President Convention Bureau Napoli, Renzo Iorio Past President Confindustria Alberghi, Costanzo Jannotti Pecci Vice President Unione Industriali di Napoli, Marina Lalli President Federturismo Confindustria, Giuseppe Nargi Regional Director Campania, Calabria and Sicilia Intesa Sanpaolo, Pietro Diamantini Business Director AV Trenitalia; for Regional employers’ associations Vito Cinque Vice Presidente Confindustria Salerno, Raffaele Esposito Provincial President Confesercenti Salerno, Giuseppe Scanu President FIAVET Campania and Basilicata, Vincenzo Schiavo President Confesercenti Napoli and Campania; for Local Bodies Alessandro Ferrara Assessor for Productive Activities and Tourism of the Municipality of Salerno.
• CILENTO IN PERSPECTIVE FOR A NATIONAL MODEL OF CULTURE OF THE TERRITORY by AIGU Associazione Italiana Giovani per l’UNESCO with President Chiara Bocchio and Vice President Luigi Zotta, Coordinator Area Southern Italy Chiara Ficarra, the representatives of Campania Commitee Ludovica Grompone, Valentino Piccolo, Angela D’Angelo, Gaia Daldanise and Stefano Fusco, members Jessica Zanzottera, Federica La Volla, Pietro Bova; during the two sessions there were the speeches by Franco Alfieri Mayor of Capaccio Paestum and President Unione dei Comuni Paestum Alto Cilento, Alfonso Andria President European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, Board Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, Michele Buonomo National Board Legambiente, Domenico Gambacorta Advisor for National Strategy Internal Areas, Michele Cammarano President III Special Commission Speciale Internal Areas Campania Region, Stefano Pisani Delegate Campania Region Masterplan for the regeneration and the valorization of South Cilento Coast, Sara Roversi Founder and Director Future Food Institute, Jacopo Gubitosi General Manager Giffoni Opportunity, Pier Luigi Petrillo Vice President Body of Mondial Experts of UNESCO Convention for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Alessandro Melis Curator Italy Pavilion Biennale di Venezia 2021, Maria Scalisi Curator Policy Lab Terre dell’Osso, Gaetano Di Palo Director Training Camp ANCI Campania.
• CONFERENCE “CULTURAL HERITAGE IN CONNECTION: PERSPECTIVES AND DEVELOPMENTS OF INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT” AND NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE MEMBERS OF ICOM ITALY with President Adele Maresca Compagna, Vice President and Director Royal Palace of Caserta Tiziana Maffei, President of Committee of Arbitrators Giuliana Ericani, General Secretary Valeria Arrabito; during the two initiatives there were the speeches by Vincenzo Santoro Manager Culture and Tourism Department ANCI, Manuel Roberto Guido Architect, former Manager MiC and Member GLRS ICOM Italy, Marcello Tagliente Archaeologist, former Manager MiC and Member GLRS ICOM Italy, Marianella Pucci Project manager Mediateur, Georgia Cantoni Communication Manager Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia, Claudia Baroncini Director Fondazione Alinari, Luca Dal Pozzolo Director Cultural Observatory Osservatorio of Piedmont, Monica Bruzzone Architect University of Genoa, Alessandro Leon General Secretary Associazione Economia della Cultura, Lucia Pini Director Ricci Oddi Gallery of Piacenza, Ivana De Toni Coordinator Musei Altovicentino, Antonella Nonnis Coordinator Ecomuseo della Valle dell’Aso, Anna Cipparrone Director Consentia Itinera Museum, Daniela Tisi Director Sistema Museale Piceno and Coordinator GLRS ICOM Italy, Alfonsina Russo Director Archaeological Park of Colosseum, Martina De Luca Supervisor of Education Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, Antonella Pinna Manager Service Museums, Archives and Libraries of Umbria Region.
– Presentation of the book “I Genî di Mozia” ed. “Il Vomere” coordinated by Monica Carovani Journalist Rainews24 with author Lorenzo Nigro Archaeologist, Full professor of Archeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East at “Sapienza” University in Rome.
– Mario Tozzi Geologist, scientific communicator and TV host interviewed by journalist Flavia Marimpietri.
– Presentation of the statue of Etruscan origin depicting a winged lion from the 6th century BC. found in the ancient city of Vulci, finalist discovery of the 6th edition of the International Archaeological Discovery Award “Khaled al-Asaad” with Carlo Casi Scientific Director Fondazione Vulci interviewed by Andreas M. Steiner Editor in Chief Archeo.
– The Colosseum meets Petra with Alfonsina Russo Director Archaeological Park of the Colosseum and Dana Firas President Petra National Trust; coordinated by Paolo Conti Journalist of Corriere della Sera.
– Presentation of the ten Assyrian rock reliefs, depicting the gods of Ancient Mesopotamia, found in Iraq at the site of Faida 50 km from Mosul in Kurdistan, winning discovery of the 6th edition of the International Archaeological Discovery Award “Khaled al-Asaad” with Daniele Morandi Bonacossi Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History of the University of Udine interviewed by journalist Flavia Marimpietri.
The Award named after Khaled al-Asaad, Director of the archaeological area and of the Museum of Palmyra from 1963 to 2003, who paid with his life the defence of cultural heritage, is the only global prize dedicated to the world of archaeology and particularly to its protagonists, the archaeologists, who with sacrifice, dedication, competence and scientific research live their job, both as scholars of the past and as professionals working for their territory.
Since 2015 th Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism and Archeo have decided to pay homage to archaeological discoveries with an annual prize awarded in collaboration with the international magazines that are media partners of the Exchange: Antike Welt (Germany), AiD Archäologie in Deutschland (Germany), Archéologia (France), as. Archäologie der Schweiz (Switzerland), Current Archaeology (United Kingdom), Dossiers d’Archéologie (France).
The 6th edition of the Award was assigned to Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History of the University of Udine for the discovery of “ten Assyrian rock reliefs depicting the gods of Ancient Mesopotamia at the site of Faida, 50 km from Mosul; the 7th edition was assigned to the discovery of “hundreds of sarcophagi in the necropolis of Saqqara in Egypt”, UNESCO World Heritage Site 30 km south of Cairo.
During the Award Ceremony a greeting message from Luigi Di Maio Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation was read by Roberta Salvatori Office II Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation and a video message by Under Secretary Benedetto Della Vedova was projected.
The International Underwater Archaeology Award “Sebastiano Tusa” was assigned to:
for the archaeological discovery of the year or lifetime achievement honour
Xavier Nieto Prieto Vice President Scientific and Technical Advisory Body of the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
for the best exhibition of international scientific value
Paolo Giulierini Director National Archaeological Museum of Naples
for the most innovative project by Institutions, Museums and Archaeological Parks
Franco Marzatico Superintendent for cultural heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento
for the best journalistic contribution in terms of divulgation
Donatella Bianchi RAI journalist host of “Lineablu” and President WWF Italy
During the Award Ceremony, with the moderation of journalist Marco Merola, there were speeches by Luigi Fozzati Scientific Coordinator of the Award, Giorgio Mulè Under Secretary of State to Defence, Alberto Samonà Assessor of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian identity of Sicilian Region Valeria Patrizia Li Vigni Sea Superintendent of Sicilian Region. Moreover, there were: the assignment of the plaque commemorating “Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano”, at the presence of his son Luca, to the best Thesis on Underwater Archaeology; the presentation of research “Cultura e Archeologia per un turismo sostenibile di qualità. Il caso del turismo archeologico subacqueo e sue implicazioni” edited by S.R.M. Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno by Salvio Capasso Responsabile Servizio Imprese e Territorio; the screening of an extract of the documentary “Thalassa, il racconto” written by Antonio Longo and Salvatore directed by Antonio Longo by Salvatore Agizza Archaeologist, Editor iMediterranei.
The Award is assigned to those who contribute, with their commitment, to the enhancement of cultural heritage, the promotion of archaeological tourism and intercultural dialogue. Since 2018, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Tomb of the Diver, the Prize has been named after archaeologist Mario Napoli who, on June 3rd, 1968, the date of the discovery of the only testimony of non-vascular painting in the Greek field, chaired the Archaeological Superintendence of Salerno, Avellino and Benevento.
The Award for 2021 has been assigned to:
Enrico Ducrot Founder Viaggi dell’Elefante
Willy Fassio Founder Il Tucano Viaggi Ricerca
Dana Firas President Petra National Trust
Maurizio Levi Founder I Viaggi di Maurizio Levi
Lina Mendoni Minister of Culture and Sport – Greece
Archeoclub d’Italia 50° anniversary
ICOM Italy
The biggest Exhibition Hall in the world dedicated to archaeological heritage with the presence of Institutions, Bodies, Foreign Countries, Italian Regions, Trade Unions, Professional and Cultural Associations, Enterprises and Tourism Groups so arranged:
– the distinguished presence of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, with a space of 500 sq mt in which, in addition to the unfolding of a rich programme of meeting, were present with an individual stand the Archaeological National Museum of Naples, Archaeological Park of Colosseum, Special Superintendence of Rome, Park of Vulci, Europa Creativa, Ales, CoopCulture, Archaeological Park of Sibari, Archaeological Park of Phlegraean Fields;
– the remarkable presence of as many as 18 Regions : Basilicata (APT Agency of Territorial Promotion), Calabria (Region), Campania (Region and Scabec), Emilia-Romagna (Visit Emilia), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (PromoTurismoFVG and Fondazione Aquileia), Lazio (Agenzia Regionale per il Turismo, Roma Capitale X Municipio, Carrani Tours, Viaggi dell’Elefante), Lombardia (Visit Brescia, Earth Viaggi – Bestitalia, I Viaggi di Maurizio Levi, Kel12 Tour Operator), Marche (Regione and Confturismo Marche Nord), Molise (Region), Piedmont (Il Tucano Viaggio Ricerca and Mondo Emozioni di Motto Luca), Apulia (Municipality of Melendugno and VivArch APS, Associazione Albatros Progetto Paolo Pinto), Sardinia (Region, Consorzio Turistico Sa Corona Arrubia, Gal Sinis), Sicily (Region), Toscana (Toscana Promozione Turistica, Cosertour by Myriam Coser, Yanez Viaggi), Trentino Alto-Adige (Autonomous Province of Trento Superintendence for Cultural Heritage), Umbria (Isola di San Lorenzo – Perugia), Valle d’Aosta (Region), Veneto (Agenzia Viaggi Rallo and Jockey Viaggi);
– 14 foreign Countries: AUSTRALIA Lithodomos, CUBA Tourism Office of Cuba, ECUADOR Embassy of Ecuador in Italy, ESTONIA Embassy of Estonia/Association Italia Estonia, JORDAN Jordan Tourism Board, ISRAEL Ufficio Nazionale Israeliano del Turismo, MALAYSIA Tourism Malaysia, MEXICO Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre la Ciudad, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Italy, SPAIN Spanish Tourism Board in Rome. Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Italy, TUNISIA Tunisia National Tourism Board,TURKEY Embassy of Turkey Office Culture and Information, UZBEKISTAN Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Moreover, the Exchange renewed its attention to Palmyra by dedicating a space to it under the hashtag “# unite4heritage for Palmyra”.
Participation in the Exhibition Hall and in the Workshop as buyers of 11 national tour operators specialized in the Italian tourism-archaeological destinations: Agenzia Viaggi Rallo, Carrani Tours, Cosertour di Myriam Coser, Earth Viaggi – Bestitalia, I Viaggi di Maurizio Levi, Il Tucano Viaggio Ricerca, Jockey Viaggi, Kel12 Tour Operator, Mondo Emozioni di Motto Luca, Viaggi dell’Elefante, Yanez Viaggi.
Dedicated to the demand of cultural tourism, it saw the participaion of 20 European buyer selected by ENIT from 5 Countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom), in addition to the 11 Italian operators.
The section dedicated to press conferences and to the presentation of cultural projects and initiatives saw the participation of: Abbac GuestItaly; Agenzia Regionale del Turismo – Regione Lazio; ANA Associazione Nazionale Archeologi; Archeoclub d’Italia; Archeostorie; Assessorato alla Semplificazione Amministrativa e al Turismo della Regione Campania; Assessorato Beni culturali, Turismo, Sport e Commercio della Regione autonoma Valle d’Aosta; Associazione “Il Melograno di Paestum”; BCC di Capaccio Paestum e Serino; CIA Confederazione Italiana Archeologi; Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria; Comune di Pesaro; Confturismo Marche Nord; Direzione Generale per le Politiche Culturali e il Turismo della Regione Campania; Fondazione Alario per Elea Velia e Lettera i Scuola d’impresa; GAL Cilento Regeneratio, Flag Cilento Mare Blu, Distretto Rurale e Culturale Cilento Antico; Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia; IIPP Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria; Legambiente Campania; Scabec Regione Campania; Calabria Region; Sicilian Region; Roma Capitale X Municipio and Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica; Soprintendenza per i beni culturali della Provincia autonoma di Trento; Toscana Promozione Turistica; Office Culture and Information of the Embassy of Turkey; UNPLI Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia.
ArchaeoVirtual, the innovative international Exhibition of multimedia, interactive and virtual technologies for cultural heritage for 12 editions the highlight of the Exchange, has been realized in collaboration with the Digital Heritage Lab of CNR ISPC, the Institute of the National Council of Researches dedicated to Sciences of Cultural Heritage.
The theme of ArchaeoVirtual 2021 “new interActions” focuses on the current shifts in the instruments of fruition of heritage, also in connection with the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic that probably changed some habits of ours for good, and broader phenomena, like the technologies of Artificial Intelligence and diffuse sensors, that will affect the future approach of the public to sites and museums.
In addition to the Exhibition, at the thematic Workshop the protagonists of the world of research, public administration and entrepreneurship discuss the evolution of our relationship with museums and cultural heritage: Davide Borra Digital Entrepeneur No.Real, Coordinator Department Digital Communication design IAAD, Maurizio Forte Professor in the Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies Duke University, Ernesto Lombardi Founder and CEO of iComfort, Anna Maria Marras Coordinator Commission “Digital Technologies for cultural heritage” ICOM Italy, Laura Moro Director Istituto Centrale per la Digitalizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale – Digital Library del MiC, Nadia Murolo and Luciano Ragazzi, General Direction for Cultural Policies and Tourism of Campania Region Eva Pietroni CNR ISPC, Rosanna Romano General Director for Cultural Policies and Tourism of Campania Region. It was moderated by Augusto Palombini CNR ISPC, Scientific Coordinator of ArcheoVirtual.
Thanks to the Laboratories of Experimental Archaeology, ArchaeoExperience made it possible to relive the ancient techniques used to create the tools used by our remote ancestors and nowadays displayed in the cabinets of the archaeological museums, proof of the material cultural that accompanied the evolution of mankind: the art of Etrurian warfare (Associazione Ruva Leu), the life of Roman legions and the history of Roman navigation (Associazione Culturale “Legio I Italica”), the art of the potter from Magna Graecia to today (Bottega Vestita), the production of leather shoes (Bottega di Lucina), Roman costume jewelry (Velia Ornamenta), the ancient cooking of the Romans (Associazione Culturale ArcheoCucina).
The scientific coordinator of ArchaeoExperience has been Mauro Cesaretto.
After High School diploma and after graduation orientation for the final classes of High Schools:
– presentation of educational offer: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of Salerno, University “Suor Orsola Benincasa” of Naples, Università Europea di Roma, Università Mercatorum hosted by journalist Maurizio Carucci;
– “Antonella Fiammenghi” Award to the best thesis on archaeological tourism;
– “EHMA for regeneration and new generation” in collaboration with European Hotel Managers Association, moderated by journalist Flavia Marimpietri, with Alessandro D’Andrea Vice Presidente Solidus and President ADA Associazione Direttori Albergo, Damiano De Crescenzo General Director Planetaria Hotels, Maria Antonella Ferri Ordinario di Economia e Gestione di Impresa, Preside Università Mercatorum, Palmiro Noschese Hotelier & Luxury Hospitality Developer Fractional Executive, Chief Institutional Committee EHMA, Giuseppe Rossi Managing Director Roberto Naldi Collection.
Presentation and space in the exhibition hall in collaboration with Associazione Startup Turismo, that gathers young enteprises of innovative products and digital services of cultural tourism; with the participation of Secretery General Flavio Tagliabue and with the Startups: Businessence, Eager Srl, Hearth, Hi.Stories, HQVillage, Il Borghista, Lucus, Pemcards by Emotion, RedoMap, Tela, Trawellit srl, Yookye.
The Exchange reserved to speakers, journalists and visitors the guided tours:
– Itinerary Archaeological Park of Paestum;
– Itinerary Archaeological Park of Velia.
The 23rd edition of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism:
– promoted by Campania Region, Municipality of Capaccio Paestum and Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia;
– with the support of MiC Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, UNESCO, UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization, ICCROM International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property;
– in collaboration with ENIT Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, ISPC Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del CNR, Camera di Commercio di Salerno, National Park of Cilento Vallo di Diano and Alburni, University of Salerno;
– under the patronage of MAECI Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces, ANCI Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani, Unioncamere, ACI Automobile Club d’Italia, Federturismo Confindustria, Confturismo Confcommercio, Assoturismo Confesercenti, AIDIT Associazione Italiana Distribuzione Turistica, FIAVET Federazione Italiana Associazioni Imprese Viaggi e Turismo, FTO Federazione del Turismo Organizzato, ICOMOS Italia, ICOM Italia, Touring Club Italiano, UNPLI Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia;
– with the participation of SCABEC Società Campana Beni Culturali, Centro Universitario per i Beni Culturali di Ravello, ANA Associazione Nazionale Archeologi, CIA Confederazione Italiana Archeologi, Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia, Archeoclub d’Italia, Club Alpino Italiano, FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Legambiente, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, AIGU Associazione Italiana Giovani Unesco, Associazione Startup Turismo, EHMA European Hotel Managers Association, SKAL Italia.
Official Media Partner Archeo.
Media Partners Rai Cultura, Domenica de Il Sole 24 Ore, Nò de Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio24, Antike Welt, Archäologie in Deutschland, Archéologia, Archeonews, Archäologie der Schweiz, Current Archaeology, Dossiers d’Archéologie, Medioevo, Touring.
Online Media Partners AgCult, Archeomatica, Archeomedia, Archeostorie, ClassiCult, I Mediterranei, MediterraneoAntico, QA – Turismo Cultura & Arte.
Official Partners Intesa Sanpaolo, Enel X.
Technical Partners Convergenze, Arti Grafiche Boccia, Hard & Soft House.
Official Vector Trenitalia.
Sanitary Partner Centri Verrengia.
The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism is created and organized by Leader srl with the direction of Ugo Picarelli.